Committee Against Smuggling and Counterfeiting Activities Destroying the Economy

Bejon Kumar Misra

International Consumer Policy Expert Founder Trustee, Consumer Online Foundation


An International Consumer Policy Expert based in New Delhi, India. Started his professional career with TATA STEEL in Jamshedpur in 1971 after obtaining a degree in Business Management with Marketing as Major. Has been an entrepreneur for the last 40+ Years and founded the Consumer Guidance Society of Jamshedpur in 1983 and since then working with Governments and Consumer Organisations in India and abroad on Consumer Education & Advocacy as an expert for 30+ years. Former Chairman of Consumer Coordination Council, Former Member of the Food Safety & Standards Authority of India and worked in various Government sponsored Working Groups & Expert Committees as a representative of the Consumer’s Interest. Travelled to more than 30 countries as member of Country Delegations and also Head of Country Delegations at International Negotiations and Conferences. To know more about him visit or Call 24X7 Helpline Number 1800-11-4424.